As most of you know, my roommate Sarah and I recently set out on a week long adventure to Spain. I have received requests for updates from the trip so I have decided to blog about each day in an effort make my friends/family feel like they were there with me - whether or not that is a good thing still remains unknown.
Day 1
Our day started as expected - last minute errands to Wal-Mart to pick up things we had forgotten and a trip to the bank to exchange our US dollars to the precarious Euro. Once we were sure everything we could possibly need was packed away, we headed to the airport to start our adventure. We met up with Jeff, Sarah's cousin and faithful travel companion. After a quick bite at The Hangar we made our way through security and eagerly waited the boarding call.
We flew to Newark on the less than spacious ERJ and were only an hour behind, which is a small miracle when flying into that awful airport. We met up with Sarah's former roommate, Nicole, who was also joining us on the adventure.
Kailey & Sarah excited for the beer cart! |
After a quick layover in Newark we were finally on the plane to Madrid! Luckily, United has TV screens on every chair with a pretty good selection of movies to watch since you are basically held captive for 8.5 hours. I watched the final Harry Potter Movie and The Vow, and in between I would take naps for a few hours. Somehow my nose recognized when food was near so I conveniently woke up in time to snag a dinner, drink, and eventually a breakfast.
Madrid from 30,000 feet |
When I woke up, I was in Spain! It was about 10am there and I was rearing to go explore the city. We grabbed our bags and trekked through the airport to get on the Metro. A fun fact about Madrid: its not a good place to bring a giant suitcase, especially when there are more stairs than escalators. After a few line changes on the Metro, we made it to our hostel. It was pretty nice, as far as hostels are concerned. There were 5 beds in the small dorm size room, but there was a balcony and it was close to restaurants and the Plaza Mayor so it worked out.
View from the bottom bunk of the hostel. |
We freshened up and set out to meet up with our friend Nutty and his wife - yes, that is a nickname but I have never once called him by his real name. Anyway, they are from the UK and were on holiday in Madrid so we met them at their hotel so we could all grab a bite to eat. Once thing I learned in Spain is that they love to feed you. Every time we ordered a beer, they would bring out some tapas (appetizer) for free. It varied from a plate of olives to a tuna spread on french bread. It was all delicious except the one the hotel gave out - I think they just gave up on being creative:
Not my favorite tapas, but I still ate it. |
The 6 of us ventured over to the Plaza Mayor for more drinks and tapas, which I thought was very pretty. They had some concert stage set up, but we were not sure what it was for. They were testing the sound system though by playing a compilation of popular songs as sung by a female lounge singer. My personal favorite was "Like A Virgin" by was much slower and a little sad at the same time.
We went to La Torre del Oro, or the Bullfighting Bar for my English speaking friends. It had pictures from previous bull fights, as well as stuffed heads of slain bulls. After seeing the graphic pictures, Im fairly certain I would not be able to survive watching one without getting physically ill.
La Torre del Oro |
The weather was beautiful so we sat out on the plaza and people watched. There were a few street performers, but performers is a huge overstatement. Basically they wanted money for dressing up in costume and sitting there. The most worthless one I saw was a llama looking guy with a bell on his horns. Every time someone would walk by he would snap his head and ring the bell in an attempt to get your attention. That was the one downside of the Plaza was that EVERYONE was fighting for your attention. The vendors, the street performers, the restaurant owners - it was a bit much.
Please don't touch me, Mr. Llama |
Finally the effects of jetlag were setting in and I desperately needed a nap. We all went back and napped so we would be ready to go for dinner. The people of Spain typically have their dinner around 9pm, which worked well for us so we could get a nap in and not feel rushed. We ended up back at the Plaza Mayor for dinner, but realized we were suffering the touristy prices so we went to search for something off the beaten path. Oh, remember that stage setup I had mentioned earlier? Turns out, there was a full orchestra and opera singers who were performing that night, it was beautiful.
Sarah's former roommate when she lived in Spain, Emily, met us there after she was done teaching and pointed us in the right direction for a non-touristy tapas bar. We had some potato & aioli concoction which was just amazing. We also had a bocadillo that was bread, salmon, caramelized onions, and a spread that I cant remember - what I DO remember is that is was amazing. I finally hit my second wall and had to go to bed - they walked me back to the hostel and then they all continued to explore the city. I just can't hang with the big kids.
My home away from home the first day in Spain. |
Nutty wondering how I'm still functioning. OR questioning our friendship, Im not sure. |
Sarah and Vardy enjoying the Plaza Mayor. |
Looks awesome! Post more, more, more!