Ok so I was going through facebook and trying to delete anything posted pre-professional career and I came across a note that I wrote back in 2009. Im sure it was one of those chain emails that everyone was filling out so I turned into a sheep and did the same.
Im saving this on my blog for posterity sake - who knows when I'm going to get fed up of deleting my past and just start fresh on FB.
SRules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you it's because I want to know more about you.
25. I think the best movie score is the opening theme to Boondock Saints. A close second is the Home Alone theme.
24. I try to email or call someone from my extended family at least once a week- I love staying in touch.
23. On the way to work I crank up the heat and dry my hair while Im driving...works every time.
22. Armageddon makes me cry every time.
21. I am deathly allergic to shellfish. I cant even touch the stuff without breaking out. The worst part? I acquired said allergy when I was 21 and before I used to eat seafood like it was going out of style.
20. A girl in grade school once told me I looked like Doogie Howser. She was a brat and I didnt like her because of it.
19. Speaking of grade school, my favorite lunch was chicken patty sandwiches.
18. I took 13 years of Spanish and can barely speak it, but I understand 80% of all conversations.
17. There is a town called Dwyer Hill in Ontario named after my family.
16. I apparently enjoy working at the most random places ever - Irish gift shop, pharmacy, grocery store, research assistant for a professor studying beetles, hockey team, children's fitness center, airport marketing/customer service, and finally insurance.....I need to just chill.
15. Everyone always asks me why Tiny Dancer is my favorite song. Its hard to pinpoint the exact moment I fell in love with the song, but I remember when I was younger the song was playing in my mom's Bronco when we were driving to my aunt house and my mom was singing along to it and it always just stuck with me.
14. If given the option, I could eat mashed potatoes every day.
13. My family and really close friends call me Kailey Doll. I like it.
12. I have the ability to impersonate people's accents or mannerisms. I dont know why, I just do.
11. Me and grandma watch Walker Texas Ranger together almost every day at 7pm - we watch to see if he will get defeated, but he never does. That, and she thinks he is a hunk.
10. I have paid over $1,000 in speeding tickets.
9. I found something I wrote in 8th grade that said in 10 years I would have graduated from Notre Dame with a degree in Marine Biology, been an Olympic diver, and living in Seattle with my husband and two kids...oh, and I also said I would be 7'2. A girl can dream.
8. Getting my pilot's license was the coolest thing Ive ever done.
7. I am a Red Sox fan. I am fully prepared with reasons why and respect that not everyone is a fan, but stop trying to tell me they are the new Yankees- I will punch you in the face.
6. Billy Joel/Elton John was the best concert Ive ever been to.
5. I want to live in a house/apartment thats on the water. I dont care if its a pond, lake, ocean, whatever- just make sure there is a view.
4. I love the Golden Girls. It is hilarious and my sister and I can spend the entire day texting quotes back to each other.
3. Speaking of my sister, we have more inside jokes or just overall dumb things that have happened to us that can throw us into uncontrollable fits of laughter for hours.
2. I have an obsession with Puma shoes....its sick.
1. I have strayed off the path more times than I can count, been kicked when I was down, told I couldnt do something, and cried over things that werent worth my tears. BUT i have also been given direction, helped back up, encouraged and had a shoulder to cry on. Its for those moments that I realize what wonderful people I have in my life and it makes me smile every time.
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