1) Lady GaGa
I don't care what anyone says, her music is catchy and fun. Granted she looks like a living Picasso painting half the time, but thats part of her 'wow' factor. Would I listen to her if she wore knee length skirts with turtlenecks? Definitely. The girl has a set of pipes that put most budding pop starlets to shame.
2) Broadway
I love to sing it, watch it, review it, and study it. I saw my first Broadway show in grade school and I was smitten. There is just something about live theater that is so powerful and emotional. It is all orchestrated to tell a beautiful story and does so in song, dance, and dialog. And for that, I give my regards to Broadway.
3) Organizing
I guess this one doesn't make me feel guilty so much as awesome. I love to organize. I organize my closet by color, I organize my drawers by category, I even organize my DVDs alphabetically. Some call it anal retentive, I just call it solid knowledge of my belongings. I would like to think that I have my desire to organize anything in sight under control, but the other day I found myself organizing my Skittles by color. Tales of an anal retentive spinster continue...
4) My Snuggie
Ah the backwards bathrobe, the blanket with sleeves, the worst invention of the millennium. I've heard it all and then some, but I still insisted on buying one. That little blanket is amazing! Granted you go from comfortable to the brink of a heat stroke in 2 minutes, but who cares? At least you can die in a head to toe blanket of softness. They make snuggies for dogs now, but I am 99.9% sure that Twoky would hate me more than he already does if I bought him one. I mean come one, look how happy the dog below is:
5) Cheese
I would put cheese on anything. I mean anything. In a moment of weakness I once bought a block of Colby Jack cheese and ate it like a candy bar. Judge all you want, I am not afraid to admit that. Im not sure where my love of cheese came from honestly; maybe it was that trip to Chuck E. Cheese when I was younger, or my love for the game Mousetrap. Either way, its one food you will always see in my fridge no matter what.
What are YOUR guilty pleasures?
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